Saturday, 29 October 2022


वोह मुझे एक बिल्डिंग म ले गया वो बहुत बड़ा ऑफिस था वहा पर सारे एम्प्लोये मुझे हैरानी से देख रहे थे और उसके बाद उस आदमी ने मुझे एक लड़की से मिलवाया उस लड़की का नाम सोफिए था. सोफी ने पहले उस आदमी को थपड मारा और फिर मुझे भी मारा , और सोफी ने उस आदमी को कहा ये तुम्हारा लास्ट चांस है वो आदमी कहता है मुझे याद है उसके बाद वोह ये सुन कर चली गयी तभी एक एम्प्लोयी हमारे पास आता है जेफ्फ सर आपको लगता है की ये आपका चैलेंज पूरा करवा पाएगा  तो जेफ्फ कहता है उम्मीद तो यही है उसके बाद जेफ सोचता है मन में .

जेफ्फ को अपना पहला दिन याद आता है जब सोफिए के पापा ने उसे जॉब पर रखा था और मुझे वह पसंद करते थे क्योकि में बहुत मेहनती था और कुछ साल अच्छे और मेहनत से में क्रिएटिव हेड बना और उसके अगले दिन ही सोफी ने अपने पापा का काम देखने लगी और सिर्फ 10 दिन के अंदर 30% एम्प्लोये ने जॉब छोड़ दी क्योंकि सोफी मेहनत से में क्रिएटिव हेड बना और उसके अगले दिन ही सोफी ने अपने पापा का काम देखने लगी और सिर्फ 10 दिन के अंदर 30% एम्प्लोये ने जॉब छोड़ दी क्योंकि सोफी . मैंने ये बात उसके पापा को बताई फिर उसके पापा ने अपनी बेटी को बहुत डांटा और तभी सोफी ने गुस्से मे कहा की मई 10 दिन में कंपनी को 10% एक्स्ट्रा प्रॉफिट में ले कर आऊँगी बिना किसी की मदत से अगर में नही ले कर आ पायी तोह मै आपकी कंपनी छोड़ दूंगी हमेशा के लिए उसके पापा मान गए . मैंने सोचा की सोफिए अभी बची है वोह ये चैलेंज खा से पूरा करेगी लकिन 9 वे दिन उसने कंपनी को 15% प्रॉफिट दिला दिया उसके पापा या जान कर बहुत खुश हो गया था और मेरे डिमोशन हो गया था मुझे शक हुआ ऐसे कैसे हो सकता है. तब मैंने पता करने की कोसिस करी फिर मुझे कुछ दिन बाद पता चलता है कि सोफी का एक दोस्त जिसका नाम एलिस था और वह एक स्टॉक ब्रोकर था उसने जुच क्लाइंट को धोका दे कर क्लाइंट से पैसे इन्वेस्ट करवाए और उसके उसने बहुत सारे पैसे लिया और जिन क्लाइंट ने पैसे इन्वेस्ट किया था उन्हें बहुत लोस्स हुआ और उसके 5 दिन बाद हमारी कंपनी को 20 % का लोस्स हुआ मैंने ये बात सोफिए के पापा को बताया लकिन इस बार सोफी के पापा ने मेरे पे विश्वास नहीं किया क्योकि सोफी ने पहले ही लोस्स के बारे म बता दिया था जूठा बहाना दे कर और मुझे फसा दिया था जिसकी वजह से मेरे फिर डिमोशन हो गया सोफी ने बहुत बार मुझे निकलवाने की कोसिस करि लकिन मै किसी तरीके से अपने आप को बचा ही लेता था और एक दिन सोफिए का प.ा रोते हुए मेरे पास आया और बोला की सोफी मेरे से ज़बरदस्ती पोर्न इंडस्ट्री मे काम करवाती है एलिस के कहने पे और पोर्न कंपनी एलिस की है और मुझे पैसे भी नहीं मिलते और मुझे स्टेरॉयड और ड्रग्स भी दिया जाता है और में ये जॉब चोर भी नहीं सकता क्योंकि एलिस को मेरे एक सीक्रेट पता है. सोफी का प.ा मुझसे कहा रह था की कैसे भी कर के जॉब से निकलवा फिर मैंने सोचा मुझे उसकी हेल्प करनी चाहिए मैंने सोफिए के पापा को कहा की ये सोफिए का प.ा हमरे ऑफिस में फ्रॉड करता है और इसकी गन्दी नज़र है सोफे पे तोह सोफी का डैड ये सुन कर उसे निकाल देते है लकिन उसने उस प.ा को जेल भी करवा दी थी और मैं फिर सोफिए का प.ा से मिलने गया जेल म तोह उसने कहा थैंक यू सर कम से कम आपने उस जॉब से तोह निकल वाया. सोफी का प.ा बोलता है की मुझे वहा से ज्यादा यहाँ अच्छा लग रह है क्यों की यहाँ से मई 3 या 4 महीने मैं निकल जाऊंगा और वहां से निकलने का कोई चांस ही नहीं था . उसके बाद मैं जेल से वापस आ गया और मुझे बुरा भी लग रह है क्यों की सोफिए का प.ा मेरे वजह से जेल मे है. जैसे ही ये बात सोफी को पता चली उसी दिन से मेरे बुरे दिन शुरू हो गए मेरे 3 और डिमोशन हुआ और 2 बार 50% सैलरी कम मिली लेकिन ये सब अभी काफी नही था सोफी ने अपने पापा से कहा की मुझे अपना प.ा बनवा लिया मैंने हार नहीं मानी और सोफी के पापा को बहुत मनाया और उसने कहा की मैं आपकी बेटी के लिए अछा प.ा ढूंढूगा . उसके बाद मैंने एक लड़की प.ा की लिया हिएर की मुझे लगा ये सेफ होगी लकिन मै गलत था अगले दिन वो मेरे पास आयी और उसने कहा कि एलिस ने मेरे साथ रात को ज़बरदस्ती करने की कोसिस करि बस मै अपने आप को कैसे भी बचा कर आ गयी और मुझे ये जॉब नही करनी तभी वो रिजाइन दे देती है और मैं फिर जाता हु. मैंने सोचा की मेरे आगे है इसलिए सोफी मेरे साथ कुछ नहीं करेगी लकिन सोफिए मेरे सोच से भी ज्यादा गन्दी थी वो मुझे एलिस के पास ले गयी और एलिस ने ऐसी बात कहई जिसे सुन कर मैं हैरान हो गया उसने कहा मार्किट मे स्टेप डैड की भी ट्रेंड पे चल रहे है तोह आप तैयार हो जाइए फिर मुझे बहुत गुस्सा आया उसके बात मैंने सोफिए के पापा को सच बताने का सोचा लेकिन मैं उनसे मिल नहीं पाया तोह मैंने उनकी वाइफ को पूरा सच बता दिया उसने कहा मै अपने पति को सब बता दूँगी तुम घर जाओ और जैसे ही मैं सोफे के घर से निकला तभी मुझे एलिस मिला उसने मुझे कहा अज्ज तुम्हारा 1स्ट शूट है तैयार रहना और टाइम पे आ जाना, और एलिस अन्दर चला गया. और रात को एलिस बहुत गुस्से मे मेरे घर आया मुझे मारा मैंने कहा की मैं शूट पे नही आऊंगा उसने मुझे और मारा और कहा की मै तुम्हे शूट के लिए नही मर रह मै इसलिए मार रह हु क्यों की तुमने ये बात सोफी के डैड को बताने की हिम्मत करी और आगे से कभी ये गलती मत करना वरना सोफी की माँ तुमपे जूठा इलज़ाम लगा देगी और बाकि तुम सोफिए के पापा को जानते ही हो और फिर मैंने पुलिस की धमकी दी फिर वो हसने लगा तोह एलिस हस्ते हुआ बोला की पुलिस उल्टा तुम्हे जेल मे डाल देगी तुम मेरे पावर नहीं जानते और अगर तुमने जादा बोलै तोह तुम्हारे लड़के के साथ करवा दूंगा फिर तुम किसी को मुँह दिखाने के लायक नहीं रहोगे . फिर मैं बहुत डर गया था और न चाहते हुआ भी मैंने सोफिए से कहा मुझे चोर दो प्लीज फिर उसे मेरे पे तरस आ गया और उसने कहा तुम्हे अगर इन सब से निकलना है तोह तुम्हे कोई दूसरा प.ा ढूंढ़ना होगा वरना तुम्हे प.ा बना होगा और न चाहते हुआ भी मुझे ये बात मानी पड़ीं और सोफी को रिक्वेस्ट करि ये बात किसी को मत बताना ये चैलेंज वाली बात मै प.ा लाउंगा . लकिन सोफी ने पूरा ऑफिस मे ये बात फैला दी की जेफ्फ अगर प.ा नहीं ढूंढ पाया तोह उसकी नौकरी चली जाएगी और उसने ये बात सबको इसलिए बताया ताकि सारे एम्प्लॉय सोफे से डरे. उसके बाद मैंने अपने एक दोस्त को फ़ोन लगाया और उसने मुझे एक लड़के के बारे मे बताया और वो लड़का और कोई नही जेम्स था और जेफ्फ का दोस्त वही अंकल था जिसने जेम्स की होटल मे जॉब लगायी थी और जेम्स के 3 मंथ के पैसे ले कर भाग गया था.

जब मै ये सब सोच रह था तभी जेम्स मुझे आवाज मरता है कहा खो गए तब मैं अपनी सोच से बहार आया उसके बाद मैंने अपने एम्प्लोये को बोलै जेम्स को काम सिखा दो.

जेम्स के पास एक एम्प्लोये आया और वह जेम्स को देख कर हसने लगा उसने कहा की तुम्हे कुछ नही करना है बस सोफिए जो बोलेगी उस्मे हा में हा मिलाना है और उसे ज्यादा सवाल जवाब मत करना और उसकी तरफ ज्यादा मत देखना क्यों की  अगर तुम्हारा ेरेक्ट हुआ उसके सामने तोह वोह तुम्हे कही का नही छोड़ेगी फिर जेम्स पूछता है ऐसे क्यों फिर वोह एम्प्लोये बताता है एक दिन एक एम्प्लोये का सोफिए के सामने ेरेक्ट हुआ था और सोफी ने उसे एलिस से मिलवाया और वोह लड़का ऑफिस मै कभी नज़र नहीं और पता नही उसका क्या हुआ तब जेम्स पूछता है एलिस कोण है तोह वो कहता है तुम आगे जान जाओगे .

कुछ घंटे बाद सोफिए ने जेम्स को अपने कैबिन मे बुलाया और सोफी वह एक ज़मीन पे गिरी एक फाइल उठा रही थी तभी जेम्स आ जाता है और उसकी नज़र उसके बॉडी पर पड़ती है और उसका न चाहते हुए भी उसका ेरेक्ट हो जाता है फिर वोह एक फाइल अपने आगे रख लेता है और सोफी जटके से वो फाइल ले लेती है और जेम्स पीछे की तरफ घूम जाता है और सॉरी बोलत्ता है सोफिए कहती है किस चीज़ की क्यों की उसकी नज़र वहा नही पड़ी थी तब जेम्स चैन की सांस लेता है और सोफी मेरे से कहती है मेरे सामने देखो लकिन मैंने नहीं देखा और किसी न किसी बहाने से निकल गया और मै फॉरेन वाशरूम मै चला गया और उसके बाद सोफी ने मुझे छोटे मोटे काम दिया और कहा शाम को मुझे तुम्हे किसी से मिलवाना है .

Thursday, 20 May 2021

When Los Angeles Meet James ( Chapter 2 : The Fire Job )

Chapter 2

He took me to a building, it was a very big office, but all the employees were looking at me with surprise and after that the man introduced me to a girl, that girl's name was Sophie. Sophie first slapped the man and then hit me as well, and Sophie said to the man this is your last chance, the man says, I remember after that, he went away after hearing that an employee came to us, Jeff. Do you think it will be able to complete your challenge then Jeff says that this is the hope then after that Jeff thinks in the mind.

Jeff remembers his first day when Sophie's father hired him and I liked him because I was very hardworking and worked well for a few years and became a creative head, and the very next day Sophie gave her dad Work started and within 10 days, 30% of the employees left the job because Sophie worked hard to become the creative head and the very next day, Sophie started seeing her father's work and within 10 days 30% of the employees left the job. Because Sophie. I told this to his father, then his father scolded his daughter a lot, and then Sophie angrily said that in 10 days, I will be able to bring the company to 10% extra profit without being able to bring anyone else's agar. So I will leave your company and accept his father forever. I thought that Sophie had just left, she would complete this challenge with food, but on the 9th day she gave 15% profit to the company, her father or life was very happy and my demotion was done, I doubt how it could happen. . Then I tried to find out, then I learned a few days later that a friend of Sophie's name was Ellice and he was a stockbroker, he tricked the client and got the client to invest the money and he took a lot of money and gin The client had invested money, he lost a lot and 5 days later our company lost 20%. I told this to Sophie's father, but this time Sophie's father did not believe me because Sophie had already lost money. I had told you by pretending that he had been cheating me and because of which I was demoted again. Sophie tried to get me fired many times, but in some way I used to save myself and one day I got Sophia. She came to me weeping and said that Sophie makes me work in the porn industry for the sake of Ellice and the porn company is Ellice and I do not get any money and I am given steroids And I am also given steroids and drugs and I cannot even do this job thief because Ellice knows one of my secret. Sophie's P.A told me that no matter how I got out of my job, then I thought I should help him. I told Sophia's father that this Sophie P.A frauds in our office and he has a dirty look on the couch on then Sophie's dad and he removes it office and then he also got jail.

 I then went to meet Sophie's PA in jail. He said thank you, Sir, at least you got out of that job. Sophie's PA says that I feel better from here because I will leave from here at 3 or 4 months and there was no chance to go from there. After that, I came back from jail and I also feel bad because I got the P.A of Sophie in jail because of me. As soon as Sophie came to know about this, my bad days started from the same day, I had 3 more demotions and got 50% less salary 2 times But all this was not enough yet, Sophie spoke to her father and gave me her P.A. Have made I did not give up and celebrated Sophie's father a lot and told him that I will find a good P.A for your daughter. After that I took a girl P.A hier I thought it would be safe but I was wrong the next day she came to me and she said that Ellice tried to force me to stay the night with me, just how could I save myself? I have done it and I do not have to do this job, then she gives the resign and I go again. I thought that Sophie would do nothing with me, but Sophie was dirtier than I thought, she took me to Ellice and Ellice said something that I was surprised to hear that she said step dad in the market too. You are ready to be on the trend, so get ready, then I got very angry, I thought of telling the truth to her father but I could not meet him, so I told his wife the whole truth. She said I will tell my husband everything. 

You go home and as soon as I got out of Sophie's house, I found Ellice, he told me, today is your 1st shoot, be ready and come on time, and Ellice goes inside. And at night Ellice came to my house in a very angry hit me. I said that I will not come to the shoot. he hit me more and said that I do not kill you for the shoot. Dare to do this and never make this mistake again, otherwise Sophie's mother will accuse you and you know the father of Sophie and then I threatened the police, then she started laughing, Ellice laughed and said that the police are upside down You will not put my power in jail and if you say more then I will get it done with your boy, then you will not be able to show your face to anyone. Then I was very scared and I did not want to, I told Sophie, please let me be a thief, then he felt sorry for me and he said that if you want to get out of all this then you will have to find another page or else you will get it. I must have made it and not wanted to, but I had to listen to this and request Sophie, do not tell this thing to anyone, I will bring this challenge to you. But Sophie spread the word in the whole office that if Jeff could not find P.A his job would go away and he told this to everyone so that all the employees were scared of the couch. After that I called a friend of mine and he told me about a boy and that boy and no one was James and Jeff friend was the same Uncle who got a job in James's hotel and took James money for 3 months had fled.

While I was thinking all this, James says that what are you thinking, then I came out of my mind, after that I told my employee to teach James the work.

An employee came to James and started laughing looking at James and he said that you nothing to do, Just say yes to what the Sophie will say anything and don't ask any question to her and Do not look too much towards him because if you have a penis erect in front of him, he will not leave you anywhere. Then James asks why, then the employee tells James that one day an employee's penis was erected in front of Sophie And Sophie introduced him to Ellice and the boy never saw him again in the office and did not know what happened to him, then James asks, Ellice is the angle, he says you will know next.

A few hours later, Sophie calls James to her cabin and Sophie was picking up a file that has fallen to the ground, when James comes and looks at her body and he penis gets erected even though he doesn't want to then he puts a file in front of him and Sophie jerkily takes that file and James turns back and says sorry. Sophie says for what because she didn't notice then James takes a sigh of relief and Sophie says to me look in front of me but I didn't see Left for some reason or the other and I went to the immediately washroom and after that Sophie gave me small work and said that I want to introduce you to someone in the evening.

To be Continue.... 

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Monday, 8 February 2021

When Los Angeles Meet James

This is my Story.....

My name is James Smith. I am 26 I face many problems in my life. Let me tell you a story of my childhood, when I was 10 years old. One girl was named Laura and she was my neighbor. Laura proposes to me but I refuse, Laura then goes to my house and complains to my parents that James tried to forcefully kiss me. Then my father hit me a lot and my mother locked me in a room for 10 days. After a few years when I was 17, Laura came to my house and told the truth to my mother. Laura told my mother that I was angry that day that James had rejected my proposal, so I lied to you to avenge James. My father apologized to me, but the mother still could not believe it. They thought I had called Laura with this money or threat.

At first it was not enough that when I passed high school, then my father left his job and my mother also had to work and I never asked my mother for anything, but even then my mother asked me to do the job Compelled to. Wherever I used to work but every other day, I was fired without any reason and I did not even get the money, probably because I did not like to talk to unknown people or my way of speaking is so. Nobody likes me.

One day my uncle called me on the pretext of a Los Angeles job and he said, I will get you good money and life will be set. When I asked my mother for money, my mother refused to give me the money, I cursed a lot and then my mother gave me the money. Then a few days later I moved to Los Angeles and my uncle got me a job at a hotel. I worked happily for a month. And a month later, I went to the manager for my salary, the manager said that your uncle had taken your money three months in advance. The manager says that you have to work two more months. Then I tried to contact my uncle, but could not contact, and on the other hand, my mother also called me several times and I was making excuses, then I went to my uncle's house, then found out that the uncle had lost Has left Los Angeles. I had to work two more months without wanting to. You must have understood by looking at the photo what I used to do after working for three months without any money. Then I felt that this job was good for me. After working for three months, I went to the manager and I said that I want to work here, but he says that your uncle got someone else to work. Then I was shocked when the manager said that you have no need to work, now you can go. While leaving, I thought that I should tell that boy the truth of Uncle who is now working in my place. But he did not trust me.

I called my mother and told her the whole thing. Then my mother told me that James does not need to come back here and you have to find a job in Los Angeles or else there is no need to come back. Then again I had to sleep on the street and I had to cook food from people. I am a job worker in many places. One day when I was coming out of the bid after being rejected from the interview. A prostitute came to me and forcibly took me with her, even after my refusal, and the prostitute became physically active with me. At first I tried to stop him, but after some time I could not stop the prostitute. The prostitute asked for money from me, so I said that I have no money. She got very angry and She said that you are very rich because you had come out of such a big building. The prostitute searched me for money but I have no any money so she took my phone when she could not find anything from me. Then when I was leaving, he called me back and all my clothes came out and ran away from his house. I was walking on the street without clothes and a man saw me and took me in his car with him.

And he took me to his house. And they gave me clothes, I asked their name, then they said that my name is William Jonson. His wife gave me tea. When William asked me how it all happened, I told William Jonson the whole thing. He started laughing at me. He was the owner of a Starbucks store. He needed a laborer, so he hired me and also gave me a room to rent. I felt that my life was improving but I was wrong. When I was working in a Starbucks store one day, my father came looking for me, I asked my father how you came here, I found out from your mother. I asked the father, why is the mother not picking up my phone for 4 days. James your mother divorced me and she gave me your responsibility, because she was upset with both of us, as we both did no work. I told my father, I got a job, then the father said that your mother no longer trusts both of us. And then my father started living with me and for a long time, he started spending more time at Starbucks and I thought he was helping me, but I was wrong. And one day while I was sleeping at home, William Jonson came home and knocked on the door.

And when I opened the door, William punched me .I asked why are you hitting me. William said my wife cheated on me and stole my one million dollars and ran away with your fatherJames , I hire you. After that William hit me again, when his anger subsided he sang. I got very depressed and could not understand what to do. When I went to the washroom, I found a letter on the toilet seat. When I opened the letter, that letter was written for me by my father. The letter wrote that son James , "I know you are angry with me but I was compelled. Your mother had remarried and I felt very bad about it and after that I saw William's wife one day.
" I was attracted to him. Then I talked with him for a few days, then one day he told me that I am not happy with William. I am living with him not wanting and I again told him my story. , So she made a plan that I would steal my husband's money and we would both run away first at first I agreed, and then slowly and she was trying to come to me day by day and I myself Could not resist and I said yes. If James is reading this letter, then you must have known what happened next".
After all this, I went into depression, then I was very hungry, then I searched the whole house to find food, but could not find anything, so I went down in search of food. When I went outside, I saw that there was a packet of dog biscuits outside my neighbor's gate and I was feeling hungry and I thought a lot about whether to pick up the biscuits and finally I picked up the biscuits. That day I came to know that my life is worthless. After this I started looking for a job. One day I was going to a building to find a job, when a man stopped me outside the building and he asked me if you were looking for a job? I have a big job for you, so I asked what the job is. The man said, I will go there and tell you what the job is, I doubted it and I confessed it, then he put $ 1000 in my hands and then I went with it. It was the biggest mistake of my life.

To be Continue.... 

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